Peru for Travel – Terms and Conditions

Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) aims to ensure that your dream vacation is a resounding success. Prior to booking a trip, we kindly request that you carefully review and comprehend the following booking conditions:

1. The Agreement

Upon receiving the initial deposit from the client, Kempor Tours officially accepts the booking, marking the establishment of a legally binding contract between Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) and the client. Submission of the deposit, along with personal information, signifies the client’s agreement to adhere to our Terms and Conditions. This contractual agreement pertains to all individuals listed on the booking form. The person responsible for signing the booking form attests to having full authority to act on behalf of all listed individuals and confirms their awareness of and consent to these conditions.

2. Pricing and Surcharges

Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) reserves the right to adjust tour costs to account for factors such as government actions, currency fluctuations, transportation expenses (including fuel costs), food price increases, airport fees, and changes in scheduled airfares, or any other factors beyond our control. All prices are denominated in United States Dollars.

In cases of price increases, Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) will absorb the additional cost if it is less than 4% of the total package price. If the increase exceeds 4%, the client will be charged 100% of the difference from the original price.

3. Booking Deposit Requirement

a. A non-refundable deposit of US$200 per person is necessary to confirm a booking.

b. 100% prepayment is required for all flights (domestic and international) to secure reservations.

c. Cruise bookings are subject to specific deposit policies determined by the boat.

d. Full payment is required for bookings made within 60 days or less before departure.

4. Full Payment and Booking Confirmation

a. Full payment or the balance must be settled 60 to 45 days before the trip’s departure date.

b. Upon receipt of full payment, a confirmation email will be dispatched.

c. Full payment is obligatory for bookings made 60 days or less before departure.

d. Failure to complete full payment by the due date empowers us to consider the booking as canceled.

5. Client-Initiated Changes and Cancellations

Any alterations to the initial booking must be confirmed in writing by the person who signed the booking form. The client is responsible for any associated costs or charges incurred by us or our suppliers due to these amendments. While we will make every reasonable effort to accommodate changes and additional requests, we cannot guarantee their availability.

Clients have the right to cancel their booking at any time, provided the cancellation is conveyed to Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) in writing. Cancellation fees are applied as outlined below, calculated from the day we receive written notification. Additionally, airlines may impose 100% cancellation charges.

a) Seventy days or more before departure: Non-refundable deposit. b) 45-59 days before departure: 20% of the trip cost retained. c) 30-44 days before departure: 40% of the trip cost retained. d) 15-29 days before departure: 50% of the trip cost retained. e) Fifteen days or less before departure: 70% of the trip cost retained. f) Less than 7 days before departure or no-show: 100% of the trip cost.

Special Notes: a. Payments or deposits for flight bookings are refundable according to airline terms and conditions. b. Postponing a trip incurs a 20% administrative fee plus costs for non-refundable subcontracted services, with the remaining amount available for future travel with Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl). c. No refunds are issued for voluntarily leaving a trip once it has commenced, except at the discretion of Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) for involuntary departures. Accommodation, transport, sightseeing, meals, or unused services are non-refundable. d. We strongly recommend comprehensive insurance, which may cover deposit loss or cancellation fees under certain circumstances.

6. Client Personal Information

To confirm and ensure client travel arrangements, the following client details must be provided along with full payment:

If these details are not provided at least 60 days before departure, an Administrative Fee will be levied. Failure to furnish these details 30 days prior to departure may lead to the cancellation of the booking, with full cancellation fees applicable. Specific requirements for Client Details vary by tour and will be communicated during the booking process. However, at a minimum, Client Details include passport number, passport expiry date, full name as it appears in the passport, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, and arrival details or other requested documents. A booking cannot be confirmed without the provision of Client Details.

7. Cancellations and Changes by Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl)

a) While Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) endeavors to conduct all tours as advertised, prevailing local conditions may necessitate itinerary variations or modifications. b) Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) cannot be held responsible for changes or cancellations resulting from factors beyond our control, including but not limited to political disputes, border closures, visa refusals, strikes, adverse weather, war, civil disturbances, natural disasters, government actions, mechanical failures, or acts of God. In such cases, we may cancel or alter facilities, services, or prices (e.g., flights, accommodations) and substitute comparable alternatives without monetary compensation, and the client accepts any additional costs incurred. c) We do not assume responsibility for incidental expenses related to your booking, such as visas, vaccinations, or non-refundable flights.

8. Payment Methods

  • a) Credit Card: We accept VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, and Diners Club without commission charges.
  • b) Wire Transfer: Direct bank transfers are accepted, with a US$50 admin fee added to the amount sent.
  • c) PayPal: Payments through PayPal are accepted, with a 5% commission charge payable by the client.

9. Client-Initiated Changes

a) For changes requested by the client after receiving a confirmed Travel Invoice from Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl), a US$40 change fee is applicable, along with any costs incurred by our suppliers due to the modification. b) Changes must be requested at least 45 labor days before the trip departure; otherwise, acceptance is subject to availability among tourist companies (e.g., lodgings, tour operators, transport). c) No changes are accepted within 44 labor days of the trip departure. d) Changes to the original booking require confirmation by the person who signed the booking form.

10. Client Substitution

If a member of your party cannot travel, it may be possible to transfer the booking to another suitable person, provided written notice is given at least 45 days before departure. An administration fee of US$50 and any supplier-imposed costs apply.

Note: For Inca Trail bookings, changes in dates, names, or passport numbers are not possible once a permit has been processed. Permits are non-transferable and non-refundable, with the deposit forfeited.

11. Medical Conditions and Special Requirements

Clients must disclose any medical conditions, pregnancies, disabilities, or other physical or mental conditions that may affect their ability to travel or require medical attention. Failure to notify Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) may result in refusal to travel or full cancellation fees. Some trips may not be suitable for individuals due to age, mobility, disability, pregnancy, or health conditions. It is the client’s responsibility to verify suitability before booking. Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) may decline pregnant travelers over 24 weeks and clients with certain conditions unless specific arrangements are agreed upon in writing. While we strive to accommodate special requests, such as dietary preferences, such requests do not form part of the contract, and Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) is not liable for unmet requests. Medical facilities vary by country, and Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) does not guarantee their standard.

Traveling with Children

Clients aged 18 or older are considered adults. Each two children under 18 must be accompanied by at least one adult, and a ratio of two adults to four children is required for clients aged 17 or younger. The minimum age for most tours is 12, with exceptions for family-designated tours (minimum age 5). Inquiries about children’s participation are subject to review and approval by Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl), which may limit the number of travelers under 18 on tours.

12. Passport, Visa, and Vaccinations

Clients must possess a valid passport, visas as required, and necessary vaccinations or preventive medicines for the duration of the tour. Information on these matters is provided in good faith but without liability on the part of Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl).

13. Age, Fitness, and Participation

a) Clients are expected to ensure they are physically fit for their chosen itinerary before booking. Those over 60 years may be advised to provide medical evidence of fitness. b) Unaccompanied minors (under 18) are not accepted on Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) tours; older teenagers may be considered if accompanied by a parent or guardian. c) Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) reserves the right to decline bookings at its discretion. Clients must accept the authority and decisions of Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) employees, tour leaders, and Travel Consultants during the tour. d) If a client’s health or behavior is deemed potentially disruptive to the tour, they may be excluded. In cases of ill health, Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) may make necessary arrangements, with costs borne by the client.

14. Compliance with Local Laws

Participants in Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) tours must adhere to the laws and regulations of the countries visited. Non-compliance may relieve Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) of its obligations under these booking conditions.

15. Illness or Disability

Clients with illnesses, disabilities, or ongoing medical treatment must disclose such conditions during booking and make provisions for necessary medications or treatments during the tour. Failure to disclose may result in exclusion from the tour with full cancellation fees. Clients unable to swim should inform us in advance, enabling us to take appropriate safety precautions.

16. Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is essential. We strongly recommend that clients obtain comprehensive travel insurance covering personal accident, medical expenses, emergency repatriation (minimum coverage of US$100,000 for each category), as well as cancellation, curtailment, personal liability, loss of luggage, and personal effects. Proof of travel insurance must be provided 15 days before departure. Clients who decline insurance must sign an affidavit acknowledging their responsibility for any inconveniences during the trip.

17. Flight Bookings

a) Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) endeavors to provide accurate flight prices, but airlines may amend or withdraw fares without notice. A deposit holds a booking but does not guarantee the fare. b) Guaranteed fares require full payment and ticket issuance. c) Flight times are approximate, subject to change, and listed on tickets. d) Clients must check tickets upon receipt for accurate flight times. e) Airlines may alter flight details, but such changes do not constitute significant itinerary changes warranting cancellation without normal charges. f) Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) is not liable for flight delays due to weather, air traffic control, airport or government actions, airline rescheduling, mechanical issues, strikes, or other reasons.

18. Client Responsibility

a) Clients must respect the authority and decisions of Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) employees, tour leaders, and Travel Consultants during the tour. Clients with conditions affecting other travelers or tour enjoyment must declare them at booking. b) Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) is not liable for unused services, and clients are responsible for possessing valid passports, visas, vaccinations, and necessary documents. c) No refunds are provided for unused services, and Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) is not liable for any information related to climate, clothing, baggage, etc.

19. Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) Responsibility

a) Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) organizes travel arrangements and services on behalf of travelers but is not liable for accidents, loss of personal belongings, or effects during services. b) Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) does not assume responsibility for health or safety risks to travelers or third parties during the tour. c) Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) is not liable for tour cancellation or changes due to factors such as war, riot, civil strife, natural disasters, government actions, mechanical failures, or acts of God. d) Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) is not responsible for flight schedule changes or departure airport changes; this is the airline’s responsibility. e) Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) is not responsible for expenses related to flight delays and does not offer compensation for such delays.

20. Client Complaints

Clients with complaints regarding tour arrangements should inform the tour leader or Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) representative promptly to allow us to address the issue. Any unresolved complaints must be submitted in writing to Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) within 28 days of the tour’s completion.

21. Financial Security

Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) is accredited by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism and adheres to legal requirements, including indemnity insurance and bonding, to ensure compliance with international travel business laws. Our company registration number (RUC) is ————–.

22. Photography and Testimonials

Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) may use client images and short videos obtained during the tour for advertising purposes without charge, including promotional material such as slides, video shows, brochures, and online content. Written feedback may also be used for promotional purposes.

23. Privacy Policy

Personal information provided by clients is used exclusively for travel arrangements. This information may be shared with suppliers and carriers to facilitate services. Efforts are made to safeguard personal information for official purposes only.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have thoroughly reviewed the Booking Terms and Conditions, fully comprehend all provisions, and provide my complete consent to adhere to them.

Last updated: January 12, 2023