Privacy Policy of Peru for Travel

Welcome to Peru for Travel’s Privacy Policy. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us, and we are dedicated to ensuring the protection of your personal information. This policy outlines our practices regarding data collection, usage, and security. By accessing our website and services, you acknowledge and agree to the terms presented here.

1. Data Collection

a.- Types of Information Collected: We may collect various types of personal information, including but not limited to:

  • Contacting us via phone or in-person interaction.
  • Completing questionnaires, surveys, or forms, whether on our website or in physical format.
  • Corresponding with us via letters, emails, or engaging in social media interactions.
  • Establishing an online virtual account with us and managing your preferences.
  • Subscribing to receive any of our services, such as newsletters, blogs, or by following us on social media networks.
  • Consenting to receive general marketing or advertising materials from us.
  • Requesting promotional information or affiliating with promotions or gift cards related to our services.
  • Participating in surveys, contests, or raffles pertaining to our services or requesting/subscribing to our newsletters, bulletins, or similar publications.
  • Providing content (e.g., for display on our blog, website, or social media networks).

b.-The categories of information we may collect encompass:

  • Your full name, age, gender, nationality, residential address, home address, telephone number (landline or mobile), and email address.
  • Emergency contact details, relevant medical information for your trip (if applicable), particulars of contracted medical or travel insurance, and information concerning ISIC (if relevant).
  • Dietary preferences, travel assessments, travel inclinations, as well as food and lodging preferences.
  • Data from a national identification document, passport, or visa, payment details, travel history, and information about fellow travelers.
  • Details regarding the purchase or delivery of products or services.
  • Dates of your trip with us, payments made, and associated expenses.
  • Information received about you from third parties through whom you’ve arranged your travel plans.
  • Information obtained from other members of Valencia Travel (related to travel dates, payments to us, special requests, and other data associated with your personal preferences).
  • Comments and feedback concerning our brands and services.

2. Use of Collected Information

a. Improving Services: We use the collected information to enhance the quality of our services. This includes:

  •  Keeping track of user interactions
  •  Managing and processing orders when applicable
  •  Improving our products and services based on user feedback

b. Communication: Periodically, we may send emails through our site, including:

  •  Special offers
  •  Information on new products
  •  Other relevant promotional materials aimed at providing you with benefits
  •  You have the option to unsubscribe from these emails at any time.

3. Data Security

a. Commitment to Security: Peru for Travel is highly committed to keeping your information secure. We employ state-of-the-art security systems and regularly update them to prevent unauthorized access to your data.

4. Cookies

a. Understanding Cookies: Our website uses cookies, which are small files stored on your computer. These cookies serve multiple purposes, including:

  •     Gathering information on web traffic patterns
  •     Enhancing your experience by facilitating future visits
  •     Recognizing you individually to provide a personalized browsing experience

b. Cookie Usage: The information gathered through cookies is used solely for statistical analysis, after which it is permanently removed from our systems. You can manage or delete cookies at any time from your computer settings. Please note that most browsers accept cookies automatically, as they enhance your web service experience.

5. Links to Third Parties

a. Third-Party Websites: Our website may contain links to third-party sites that may be of interest to you. Once you navigate to these external sites, please be aware that we no longer have control over your data’s privacy. Consequently, we are not responsible for the terms, privacy practices, or data protection measures of those third-party websites. We strongly recommend reviewing their respective policies for your peace of mind.

6. Control of Your Personal Information

a. Personal Information Management: You have the right to restrict the collection or use of personal information provided on our website. When you encounter forms such as user registrations, you can choose to opt in or opt out of receiving information via email. If you’ve previously subscribed to our newsletter or promotional content, you can easily cancel your subscription at any time.

7. Data Sharing Assurance

a. Limitations on Data Sharing: Peru for Travel (Sic Service Eirl) will not sell, assign, or distribute your personal information without your explicit consent, unless required by legal authorities with a court order. Your trust in our data handling is paramount, and we are committed to safeguarding your information.

8. Additional Disclosures and Data Handling

We understand the importance of transparency in data handling and wish to provide further insight into specific scenarios:

8.1 Credit Checks:

We may disclose your personal information to third parties, including intermediaries, as necessary to perform various checks, such as credit, security, fraud, and identity checks. This is crucial in ensuring the integrity of our booking and contract enforcement processes.

8.2 Bookings and Performance of Contracts:

Your personal information may be shared with third parties, including intermediaries, to handle booking inquiries, bookings, and contract performance. This encompasses tasks such as visa applications, payment collections, complaint investigations, and contract enforcement.

8.3 Suppliers of Travel and Other Services:

We may disclose your personal information to third-party suppliers, contractors, or sub-contractors engaged to fulfill bookings or contracts. This includes providers of travel, tours, and various other products or services agreed upon. Details of such third-party involvement can be obtained from us upon request or through provided brochures.

8.4 Business Function Outsourcing:

When third parties are involved in hosting, providing, or operating parts of our website, databases, systems, or conducting our business functions (e.g., mail handling, payment processing, marketing assistance, customer and advertising analysis, and customer services), your personal information may be shared with them as necessary for the fulfillment of these functions.

8.5 Legal Requirements:

We may supply your personal information to government authorities or regulators when required to comply with legal obligations, administer justice, handle customs, visas, immigration matters, protect vital interests, or enforce bookings or contracts, as required by law.

8.6 Direct Marketing by Third Parties:

With your prior consent, we may disclose your personal information to third parties for direct marketing. For details, please refer to the direct marketing section above.

8.7 Customer Representatives:

If you are associated with a business or organization, we may disclose your personal information to them in your capacity as an associate (e.g., agent, representative, contact, employee, officer, owner, partner, or director). Additionally, if our customer is making a booking or inquiry on your behalf with your authorization, we may disclose your personal information to our customer as reasonably required for such activities or subsequent booking performance and payment.

8.8 Business Acquirers:

If our business is transferred to a third party, your personal information will be transferred to the acquiring entity to enable the continuation of our business operations.

9. How Third Parties Will Handle Your Personal Information

9.1 Processing on Our Behalf:

In some cases, your personal information may be held, collected, and used by third parties on our behalf. In such instances, we maintain responsibility for their actions with your data, ensuring it is handled under our instructions and this privacy policy.

9.2 Processing on Their Account:

In other cases, your personal information may be provided to third parties for them to hold and process independently. In such cases, they assume responsibility for your data, subject to their own privacy policies. We will not be responsible for their actions following disclosure.

11. Keeping Your Data Secure

11.- Ensuring the Security of Your Data

11.1 Our Security Protocols

11.1.1 Our Pledge to Safeguard Your Information

We are fully committed to taking reasonable steps to uphold the security of your personal data. As mandated by legal requirements, we have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent unauthorized or unlawful processing of your personal information, as well as to safeguard it from accidental loss, destruction, or damage. To fulfill this commitment, we have established comprehensive security policies, guidelines, and technical safeguards.

11.1.2 Secure Data Transmission between Your Web Browser and Our Servers

To protect the personal information you provide us while it travels over the internet, we employ Secure Socket Layer (“SSL”) software. This encryption method is effective when your web browser supports SSL (which is the case for most browsers). You can confirm SSL encryption is active by observing a closed lock or solid key symbol in the lower bar of your browser window. Additionally, you can verify the web address in your browser’s address bar has changed from “http” to “https.”

11.1.3 Storage of Your Personal Information

The personal data collected from you online is securely stored by us and/or our service providers. We employ a combination of physical and electronic access controls, firewall technology, and other reasonable security measures to safeguard this data.

11.2 Your Own Security Measures

To enhance your personal data protection:

  • We strongly recommend maintaining anti-virus and anti-malware protection software on your computers and devices.
  • Be cautious about sharing sensitive personal information via email, including payment card details.
  • Exercise care when disclosing personal information to others.
  • Please be aware that we will never request sensitive personal information, such as payment card details or passport numbers, in unsolicited communications. We will only request such information in person, through our official website, or over the phone when related to a booking you are making or have already made. If anyone claims to represent us and requests such information, please inform us promptly.

12. Policy Updates

a. Continuous Review: Please note that this Privacy Policy may undergo changes or updates over time. We encourage you to revisit this page periodically to ensure you remain informed of any modifications. Your continued use of our services implies your agreement with the latest policy version.

Your trust in Peru for Travel is greatly appreciated, and we want to assure you that our commitment to safeguarding your privacy and data security remains unwavering. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or our data handling practices, please contact us.

Last updated: 23-01-2023