Best Machu Picchu & Sacred Valley Tour – 6 Days

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Availability : All yeard arround
Machu Picchu, Sacred Valley, Maras. Moray
Min Age : 1+
  • Duration - 6 Days
  • All Year Around
  • Difficulty level: Moderate
  • Private Service & Groupal
Trip details:

Embark on a mesmerizing 6-day expedition that delves deep into the wonders of the Sacred Valley and the awe-inspiring Machu Picchu. This meticulously curated travel package invites you to embark on an exhilarating trek through the historically rich Sacred Valley, nestled just a short 10-mile journey from Cusco, between the charming villages of Ollantaytambo and Pisaq. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking vistas of the majestic Andes Mountains, The Salt Mine of Maras, and the picturesque Moray ruins views that adorn this captivating region. Don’t forget to prepare for a full day of exploration at the UNESCO World Heritage site of Machu Picchu.

Key Highlights:

  • Marvel at the panoramic vistas of the Sacred Valley while engaging with the warm-hearted locals and even learning a bit of Quechua, the indigenous language.
  • Witness the historical grandeur of Machu Picchu, an architectural masterpiece of ancient times.
  • Embark on a scenic train journey around the enigmatic Machu Picchu, adding a touch of luxury to your adventure.

Join us on this extraordinary journey as we unveil the treasures of the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, and beyond. Get ready for an experience that will leave you with lasting memories and a profound appreciation for the beauty and history of this remarkable region.


Day by day itinerary

Day 1:Arrive at Cusco

Welcome! Your adventure begins at the airport of Cusco, and you will be transferred and settled into your hotel for a briefing. Later we suggest a rest to adapt to the altitude of Cusco City (3,360mt/11,022ft).

Day 2:PM: City Tour

The afternoon city tour includes visiting the Cathedral, which houses a collection of paintings from the ‘Cusqueñan school’ of religious art which reached popularity in the 17th century. Continue the tour circuit to Qoricancha, the principal sun temple of the Inca empire whose name means ‘courtyard of gold’. When the Spanish occupied the city, they destroyed the temple. They constructed the Dominican “Santo Domingo” church in its place, although the original Inca architecture can still be seen.

Just outside the Cusco city is Sacsayhuaman: an Inca fortress and royal residence that looks down upon the city from its hilltop site. The fortress’s precise zigzags of massive stone remain unmoved by the centuries. This is the center of the ceremonies for the famous “Inti Raymi” festival of the sun. 

Continuing away from the city, visit the labyrinthine ruins of Q’enqo, a religious site incorporating a massive Huaca or Inca altar stone. We continue to Puca Pucara (red fort), This ruin was probably a hunting lodge or guard post-in-between Cusco and the Sacred Valley and it looks similar to a small European defense.
Finally, we arrive at Tambomachay where the Incas’ fountains capture the waters containing three terraces from where water cascades down through finely worked channels of a natural spring additionally used as a place for the elite classes to bathe.

Day 3:Full day Sacred Valley tour

Drive one hour by bus into the fertile Sacred Valley of the Incas. Enjoy the rural charm of the scenic agricultural heartland of the Incas with superb vistas of the rugged canyon formed by the Urubamba River.

Later we arrive at the village of Pisac (2,959mt/9,708ft), We stop and explore its traditional artists’ market stalls, and you can place a bid for locally made textiles and ceramics. We continue to our first taste of the Inca’s engineering skills, the Pisac ruins, perched spectacularly on a ridge overlooking the countryside while steep terraces sweep the hillside.  In addition, we can appreciate hillside tombs the biggest cemetery in Latin America from Inca time.

After our tour, we will go to a restaurant in the Urubamba Valley for lunch. We then continue down the Sacred Valley to reach the Ollantaytambo ruins for our next tour. This village still is a thriving community, The buildings were created originally by the Incas and many of the original rock houses are standing today. Around the villages, we can visit the old Inca houses perched on a stony ledge overlooking the village.

Day 4:Visit the legendary “Lost City” of the Incas - Machu Picchu:

This morning we catch the train in Cusco’s city and we travel through the Urubamba Valley, Domed windows offer up unbelievable views of the Andes en route to the tiny town of Aguas Calientes. Here we board a bus to take us up to the lost city of Machu Picchu (2,430m/7,973ft approx.) – the most marvelous Inca citadels – constructed between two towering peaks. It was rediscovered in 1911 by the American explorer, Hiram Bingham, who believed it to be the “Lost City” of the Incas in Vilcabamba. Machu Picchu was probably one of the agricultural centers that served Cusco in its prime – but intense speculation still goes on as to its origins. 

Our explorations of the Lost City of the Incas include all of the sectors of the ruins; the industrial area, the Temple of the Sun, the Royal Tomb, the ceremonial water fountains, baths, and Sacred Plazas.

More than a hundred flights of stone steps connect its palaces, temples, storehouses, and terraces, which command outstanding views over a great bend of the Rio Urubamba far below and the snow-capped peaks around Salkantay (6271m/20,574ft).

There will be the option of climbing Huayna Picchu (“young peak”) from where you have a superb overlook of the ruins.

After our spectacular tour, we board our bus back to Aguas Calientes town to enjoy lunch.

In the afternoon from the bus station, we walk about 10 minutes to the Aguas Calientes train station. From there, we’ll return by train to Ollantaytambo, a ride of about 1.5 hours. Then we continued traveling by bus for about two hours to reach Cusco’s city, arriving around 8:30 pm.

Day 5:Visit the Maras salt mine & Moray ruins

Start your excursion by departing from Cusco in the morning. You can hire a private car, join a guided tour, or rent a bicycle if you’re up for some outdoor adventure.
First, head to the Moray archaeological site. Moray is famous for its unique Inca agricultural terraces, which are shaped like concentric circles. It’s believed that these terraces were used for experimentation with different microclimates, allowing the Incas to cultivate a variety of crops. Take your time to explore the site, walk through the terraces, and enjoy the stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
After visiting Moray, make your way to the Maras Salt Mines, also known as the Salineras de Maras. These salt mines have been in operation since Inca times and are a fascinating sight. Thousands of salt ponds cascade down the hillside, creating a spectacular mosaic of shimmering white. You can walk along the paths between the ponds and learn about the traditional salt extraction methods still used by local families.
After exploring both sites, start your journey back to Cusco.

Day 6:Depart from Cusco to Home:

We’ll check out two hours before your flight and transfer you by bus to the airport for your flight to Lima, where you can connect to your overnight flight home.



  • The transfer In/Out in Cusco.
  • The entrance fee to visit the places.
  • Tourist train ticket to Machu Picchu.
  • Bus ticket in Machu Picchu.
  • Professional tour guide.

NOT Included:

  • Fly tickets.
  • Meals during your stay in Cusco.